Learn home methods of plaque removal at home

Healthy Teeth Without Plaque

A perfect smile is considered one of the most attractive features a person can possess. Unfortunately, many factors such as lack of dental care, smoking, or caffeine abuse can severely damage your teeth. Our seemingly harmless daily habits can cause serious problems, such as the formation of plaque or tartar.

What is dental plaque?

Dental plaque consists of a more or less whitish substance that settles on the outer surface of the teeth. It is mainly made of salivary proteins, foods (sugars and acids), bacteria, and their toxins.

Like every part of the body that is exposed to external contact such as skin and hair, teeth do not possess a natural cleansing mechanism.

As such, teeth and by extension gums, require periodic maintenance to eliminate dental plaque and thus maintain decent oral hygiene.

Why do you have to remove dental plaque?

Dental plaque contains many streptococcal microbes that are responsible for the development of cavities and gum diseases. Without radical and effective plaque removal, cavities and periodontal diseases will inevitably occur.

If dental plaque is not eliminated, it will inevitably calcify and turn into tartar, which by proliferating is most likely to cause teeth to loosen, provoke bad breath (halitosis), but most importantly gingivitis or even periodontitis that may damage your gums to the point of teeth loss. A thorough treatment of the gums will then be necessary as well as scaling or even in advanced cases a root planing.

Is plaque formation favored by certain factors?

Some people are more exposed to the formation of dental plaque than others are.

In general, anything that impedes a simple cleaning by the tongue, such as an incisive clutter, orthodontic rings, and braces, a dental appliance, or a dental prosthesis will promote the formation of dental plaque.

Dental plaque is deposited evenly on the tooth surface. However, some are removed by the cheeks and the tongue, while the rest is deposited on the remaining areas, where the gum meets the teeth.

How can I effectively remove dental plaque?

When it comes to the removal of dental plaque, brushing your teeth remains the most effective manoeuver. A meticulous and regular brushing, three times a day is recommended.

Additionally, dental floss and the use of hydropulsors are also recommended since the plaque can be deposited in areas that are hard to reach for a toothbrush.

And while dentists can detect dental plaque by using a disclosing agent, which will then allow for more effective plaque removal, disclosing agents are nowadays available in pharmacies and in the form of small colored tablets or liquid vials.

How to use disclosing agents?

In liquid form

Simply place a drop of the liquid on your tongue and then move your tongue around the surface of every tooth.

After rinsing your mouth, you can easily visualize the colored spots, which signal the presence of plaque, hence allowing you to easily eliminate it by proper brushing.

In the form of pellets.

Allow the pellets to crumble and then proceed in the same manner.

Change the way you brush your teeth

Most people brush their teeth horizontally and from left to right. However, this can increase teeth sensitivity or even cause malocclusion.

It is therefore recommended that you brush your teeth vertically. Starting with the upper teeth and then moving to the lowing ones. Molars should be brushed in a circular motion.

And as mentioned above, your tooth brushing must always be completed with dental floss or hydropulsors to eliminate possible plaque residues that are stuck in inaccessible areas.

Last but not least, a mouthwash is considered a perfect addition to your teeth brushing as it is highly effective in removing malignant bacteria that can harm your gums.

Note: It is advised that you change your toothbrush at least four times a year and use a dental paste containing 1,350 to 1,500ppm of fluoride.

Follow a balanced diet

Following a balanced diet is not only good for your overall health and well-being but also vital to your oral hygiene, as it is essential to the prevention and reduction of dental plaque. This starts by avoiding or reducing sugars and carbohydrates.

Alcoholic or carbonated beverages are also to be avoided or drunk with a straw in order to avoid direct contact with your teeth.

Home remedies that can help reduce dental plaque

Home remedies are sometimes quite effective when it comes to plaque reduction and removal. Nonetheless, it is very important to avoid consuming them in excess as they can alter your oral equilibrium instead of improving it.

Chewing gum

Some remain skeptical about the effectiveness of chewing gum. Nonetheless, a recent study has shown that sugar-free gum helps reduce plaque production on your teeth.

Chewing a piece of gum after each meal allows food residues that are stuck in your teeth to be easily released, making it easier to completely remove them with a toothbrush.

Baking soda

When you are about to wash your teeth, you can add a small amount of baking soda to the toothpaste. As this powder is very effective at dissolving all tooth residues and helping whiten your teeth.

You can use this remedy once a week before going to sleep.

Note: The amount of baking soda used must not be excessive, as well as the frequency of application.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is quite potent at fighting plaque and tartar formation.

Acidity in lemon features abrasive properties that are capable of deeply cleansing your teeth.

Additionally, it can eliminate bad breath and whiten teeth.

Using lemon juice to reduce dental plaque must be limited to once a week. An increased frequency of usage may harm your teeth.


All in all, while most of these techniques and remedies can help you reduce dental plaque or even sometimes prevent its formation, they cannot in any way replace periodic visits to your dentist.

A dental check-up at least twice a year will go a long way in helping prevent the formation of dental plaque and consequently tartar. Thus, allowing you to maintain or restore balanced oral hygiene.

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