How to keep your gums healthy?

Healthy Gums

The secret to strong gums!

Most people know how to take care of their teeth to prevent cavities that can turn into a painful issue.

However, oral health goes beyond just teeth. Having healthy gums is equally essential, and it’s crucial to understand that even if they don’t hurt, your gums might be sick.

In this article, we will talk about how to know if there is an issue with your gums, how to prevent it, and what measures you should take to have healthy gums.


Before talking about gums’ health, it is essential to understand they are the outermost layer of a structure called the periodontium.

The periodontal tissues comprise everything that surrounds and support the teeth, such as:

  • The gums: the soft buccal mucosa
  • Alveolar bone: the bone socket where the teeth reside
  • Periodontal ligament: it attaches the teeth to the bone, keeping them in place
  • Root cement: the outer layer around teeth roots

Healthy gums

The first thing you need to know is the difference between healthy and sick gums.

Healthy gums have a coral pink or salmon color. Moreover, they can have brown pigments due to ethnicity. Either way, gums should be firmly attached to the bone and have a firm consistency when touched.

Gum disease

The main problem with gums disease is that it rarely hurts, so it usually goes unnoticed.

A quick way to find out if there is an issue with your gums is by checking if you bleed while you brush your teeth. Gums disease causes inflammation, making them highly vulnerable to bleeding.

Other symptoms include red-colored gums, bad breath, and, in severe cases, gingival recession and teeth loss.

What could be the cause?

Many factors can cause gum diseases, such as hormonal changes or diabetes. However, in most cases, it is developed by the presence of plaque attached to teeth over the gum line.

How do you get healthy and strong gums?

Fortunately, the solution is simple and straightforward. Most likely, you are already doing it and just need to do a few slight adjustments to your oral health routine.

Brush your teeth

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is vital to keep them free of dental plaque, cavities, and maintaining your gums strong.

However, the technique you apply matters. The brush should be inclined at 45 degrees to the gums, making sure you eliminate all the plaque residing in the gingival margin.

The strokes need to be gentle, and the briskets of your toothbrush should be soft. Otherwise, it could be harmful to your gums and teeth.

Floss daily

Next to teeth brushing, flossing is the most vital part of your daily oral care routine. Moreover, flossing could be the real secret to stronger gums.

Flossing eliminates everything that it’s trapped in those areas between your teeth where the toothbrush bristles can’t reach, such as food and plaque.

When left unattended, plaque between teeth builds up into tartar. This is a harder compound made of bacteria that causes inflammation and needs to be removed by the dentist.
Remember that the gum between your teeth is a delicate tissue, so the flossing needs to be done gently.

Use a mouthwash

Therapeutic mouthwashes help improve the overall health of your gums. They help to decrease the amount of plaque and lower the speed the tartar builds up. Consequently, preventing gums disease.

It is essential to know that mouthwashes can’t replace brushing or flossing and should be done together.

Keep a healthy diet

What you eat is also crucial. A well-balanced diet will improve your overall health and have a direct impact on your gums. Foods such as vegetables, high-fiber fruits, and green tea will help you clean out your mouth and reduce bacteria. Sugar-free gums are a great option to increase saliva production while keeping your mouth clean.

Regular dental checkups

Your dentist can identify early gums disease symptoms. This is why you should make an appointment at least once a year. There could be some hard-to-reach areas where tartar starts to build up and needs to be eliminated with a professional cleaning.

The dentist can also point out where your technique might have flaws and give you advices to lead you in the right direction, improving your oral health routine.

To keep gums healthy and strong, it is recommended to do all of the above. Taking one aspect out of the equation can decrease the effectiveness of your gum care routine.

What you should avoid?

Even though brushing and flossing will keep your gums healthy, some habits and activities should be avoided to maintain them strong.


Smoking is one of the most common habits nowadays. However, it is harmful to your gums.

Chronic smoking has a big impact on a person’s overall health. One of the main issues is the effective reduction of your immune system, making you more prone to gums disease. Moreover, it is highly destructive to the periodontal tissues, becoming a dangerous enemy to your gums.

Poorly managed whitening

With the increase in the popularity of teeth whitening, a lot of options have been developing so you can achieve your desired smile.

Whether you do it at home or at the dentist, your gums might be affected if not done properly.

All bleaching agents got a certain amount of peroxide, which varies depending on the system selected. Peroxide can cause temporal irritation and bleaching of your gums. Therefore, it is vital to avoid contact between the bleaching agents and your gums.

Dental jewelry

Dental jewelry, such as tooth-diamonds made of composite and grills, increases the odds of gums disease.

These accessories attached to the teeth create an irregular area where plaque and tartar are easier to build up. Moreover, making it harder to brush properly and, in some cases, not even allowing to floss between teeth.


Piercings are another type of jewelry more often used by teenagers and young adults. Piercings in the mouth area, such as lips and tongue, are proven to be harmful to your oral health.
One of the most common issues is the gingival recessions produced by the constant contact between the piercing and the gums.

Finally, keeping healthy and strong gums is not a complicated matter. All it takes is maintaining proper oral hygiene, brushing, flossing daily, and avoiding smoking.

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